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English version below↓.
This is 3rd.of Feb. Japanese used to use moon calendar. Today divides winter and spring. (On February 3rd, the eve of the first day of spring, people in Japan scatter roasted soybeans inside and outside their homes, shouting, “Fortune in, devils out )
I have experienced ups and downs in this winter. From tomorrow, it will be spring.
Late in Oct. 2016, I was sentenced to duodenal cancer, I had an operation on 4th Nov. The cancer was too big and mingled with the other organs and large blood veins to take it out.
According to Second Opinion, I changed to a cancer specialized hospital.
The doctors decided to use chemical treatment ( anti-cancer medicine ) for the time being ( for half a year ). The port for drip medicine was embed under my right shoulder bone. 50 hours drip in every 2 weeks. Now I am doing the 5th rotation. I can do it at home, no need to stay in a hospital.
I experimented 4 quite different side-effects. The second one was quite easier but the rest were physically and mentally heavy. Heavy dullness, trembling hands (impossible to handle even chopsticks ). I can understand those who stop the chemotherapy or who become self-destructive out of despair.
Thanks to my family, friends, acquaintances, I have not strayed out of paths so far.
Yesterday I received the result of CT scan for the first time after chemo.
From the amateur view, it was 70% as large as before.
I could grasp the truth with cool-head, for I had been simulating as many possibilities as possible for fear of being fretting over.
In any way, I thank you from my deep heart, the doctors, staff, family, friends. Thank you very much.
The doctor said, there are many cases of this kind of reduction tendency stops at some time, there will few cases to disappear completely.
My blood state is stable and good, I will keep this chemotherapy for 2 months more and I will take second CT scan in the end of March. Then we will think about the possibility of the operation. After 6 months, the chemotherapy medicine will not work, for the cancer creates the resistance to them.
I will spend this “SPRING” fully one day by one day then the better answer will be ready for me.
It is difficult to say ( I have no sentence making ability ). But I no longer have an intention to fight against my cancer. Cancer is a messenger or even a gift. When I go to cancer hospital, I feel some intimate fellowships.
Among the people who check my blog or FB, there are many private mails to me saying “ my cancer was ameliorated”, “ I am now during the same treatment, “ My cancer disappeared” “ my family is struggling with cancer.” etc.
I had lived this sever WINTER, then I had the result of CT scan yesterday. Now I am at the door of spring. The season is beautifully scheduling my days according to the season. There are less feeling like “ At any cost, I will strongly fight against the cancer and recover.” I can not explain well. I never give it up at all. What is that?
In these years, Spring symbolizes and means FUKUSHIMA for me.
This spring will be added another aspect in a special way for me.
Life is always special and exception. Every sickness is also special and exception.
This evening we can hear from many homes “ “Fortune in, devils out”. I can hear Fortune and devils both in”. We can not make difference so easily. I might learn it from my cancer gift.