

English version below.↓




人間が物を書くのは悩み疑うからだ 自分自身や周囲に己の価値を証明するためだ 自分が天才だと分かったら__ 何のために書く 必要なかろう そもそも我々は何のために存在するのか」

科学者:「頼むから話かけんでくれ 疲れてるんだ 昨夜眠れなかった おしゃべりはやめろ」

文:「あなた方の技術にどれ程の価値がある 溶鉱炉だの 車輪だの ただ楽をしたいだけでは?
より働かず より多く食うため・・・ 怠惰を象徴してる 人間が存在するのは創造するためだ
芸術作品をね ほかのどの行為より清廉で慎ましいものだ 真理の探究なんて偉大なる幻想だよ
聞いているかね 教授」
科: なにが「清廉」だ お気楽だな  飢えて死ぬ人間もいるのに

文: それでも頭脳貴族か 抽象思考もできないくせに

科: この私に人生の意義を説くつもりかね その上 思考法まで?

文: したくてもできんさ あんたは無知だからね












昨今のダンスブームは人間の身体・肉体の「融通のきかなさ」「限界」を愛でているとも言えましょう。( たとえ、人間業を越えたテクニックに喝采するにしても)







新しい開拓は いつも豊かにする
絶望は 心貧しき者のすることだ (野口晴哉)



I continue to think from the dialogue in the film “ STALKER” by Andrei Tarkovsky

A cynical writer and a scientist were guided by the stalker ( which does not mean as now understood in Japan, but a poacher in prohibited area.) in the “ZONE”.

This dialogue was done during their desperate walking to the ROOM where everything is possible.

Writer: Talking about the inspiration, will there be some meanings even if I enter the ROOM and become a genius? The reason a man writes is because he has distress and he suspects something. He writes to justify himself in the surroundings. If he realizes he is a genius, he does not have to write. First of all, for what do we exist?

Scientist: Please do not talk to me. I am tired, I could not sleep last night. Do not talk nonsense.

Writer: What are the meanings of those scientist’s technology? For example, blast furnace, wheels… You have been making them for people to become just easier and more comfortable life. Less works, more eating? It only symbolizes “laziness”. Human beings exists for creating arts. We are pure and modest. Exploring the “truth” is only a big illusion. Do you hear me Professor?

Scientist: What is pure? You are just dreaming. There exists people starving to death.

Writer; Are you intelligent elite? You can not think in abstract way.

Scientist: Are you trying to persuade me something about the meaning of LIFE and how to think?

Writer: I can not do that. You are too ignorant.


What is “effective” or “progress”? These are the topics what I have been thinking of in these days. Now my thinking has not yet made good shape, so the sentences are not simple, sorry. ( especially in the English version.)

To master an instrument, to do improvised physical exercise, we take it for granted that it is good to the progress discovering “ this way is more effective”, Progress is taken as Good.

For the basic idea of effective and progress, there should be “substance” behind them. To be continuing forward, we make efforts to be “ better, less waste, faster, more enjoyable “.

Some people are very good at it and doing better and better, more inventive, become deeper and deeper. Some people may become “ professional”.

I feel there must be some junctions during the way. One way is going to become “ effective for effective”, another way is going in the same way as before. ( effective for its substance ).

For the example of musical instruments, if he uses electricity or computer, (behaving as he controls the devices ), “ MORE and MORE” seems possible.

When he turns the switches and levers, or connects more to the effectors, the sound simply becomes louder, more “effective, more interesting, cooler”.

It reminds me of nuclear atomic power. They wanted to produce more and more energy, at last they created atomic or hydrogen bombs to kill every mankind many times.

It is absolutely idiot to give the audience the ear plugs at the entrance of concert hall for its loud sound.

It reminds me motorcycle young gangs who are proud of the loud engine sound without mufflers as if they want to say “ I can stand and control these loudness, isn’t it cool?”

Instinctively some feels danger against this tendency.

For example, the Dance boom here in Japan in these days. We love the body movements which can not be effective as the electric devices. We love the limitations and inflexibility of our body. We can share and imagine the feelings, even if we applaud those super-human techniques. Our body belongs to Nature itself. It is not our private property. We just borrow it while we stay in this world.

While the electric music becomes whether Maximum or Minimum in volume and in quality, the acoustic musician ( who play with the electric sounds ) are appreciated when he plays beyond limitations, blows extremely against the electric violence.

The ultimate goal of dance will be only STANDING on the spot or just Walking. As Tatsumi Hijikata said “ to become standing dead body.”

Improvisation by acoustic instruments in these days becomes between anonymous and self-expression. In this financial world, we can get money easily by self-expression which is different from other people. Ethnic music are appreciated because of its “healthy”feelings.

One more thing about “Effect” is when he uses effect, it can be a kind of compulsion for the time spent to become its effect he wants. It deprive us of time. And it neglects the other possibilities. To wait for the scheduled effects is meaningless and the retreat or the reduction.

Basically for the human beings, it seems quite natural and right to be “better”, to make progress, to change without any reasons. But there are some pitfalls.

“Rightness” sometimes fails us.
When we have some “interests”, become lively, we will say it is “true, good and beautiful”.

We have to listen to our body deeply and carefully. Imagine you discover effective arms to kill more people in shorter time, if you put the ear-plugs to listen to the loud concert.

It is not gain or lose, like or dislike, cool or not, but to believe from your deepest parts of your body.

Satisfaction means retreat.
But insatiable pursuit is destruction.
New reclamation makes you rich in heart.
Poor in heart becomes despair.
(Haruchika Noguchi, the founder of Noguchi Seitai)


Then where do the junctions exist?

To listen carefully what your body’s true intention. Our body always acclaim, send messages to us.

Our body is nature itself. It is the output from 3.8 billion years history.
The answer is inside our body. The memories and accumulations makes our life possible for 3.8 billion years.

If we ignore the real voice from our body, we become easily hard of hearing, cancer, diabetes, depression, alcoholic, addiction, become fear for radiation from atomic energy and lose our way.